Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Day AMERICA Stood Still!

We need a national strike to remind government who it is that really runs this country! Not the rigged voting apparatus, not the fancy schmancy double-talk and certainly not the POLICE STATE tactics that they have arrayed against AMERICAN citizens!

We The People

run this country but we have neglected our duty to be vigilant and we have let the varmints run amuck to our peril! What shall we do?

* * * * *
Do you still believe we can Un-Screw the Pooch with letters and faxes... I don't think you get it yet. When they prod your butt with a bayonet as you are loaded on trucks to FEMA camp, write some more letters!!! I think NOT! When 150 thousand or half-a-million angry, pissed off folks finally have had enough of being ripped off and peed upon by Washington, they might re-think the situation and maybe even follow the Constitution! But the trick is to get their attention with a march or rally or something or a national strike of momentuous proportion, we could call it....

The Day AMERICANs Stood Still!

Only airplanes in flight, hospitals, food and emergency services, anything along logical lines would be off-limits. Make BIG BUSINESS sweat, see the little masters run around the Capitol building screaming, "they're NOT here! they're NOT here!". Don't even buy a latte or cashmere sweater! Watch ABC, and the other fakirs as they spit their vile lies to play down the strike! As a matter of fact, why not go for TWO DAYS! Let's see who goes out of business first and make betting pools! You may think it's funny but short of unleashing violence and civil disorder, we can maintain the LAW of the land and win. Wouldn't it be nice to see Senator Big Such'n'such on TV begging? Would a phone call from your employer, pleading for your return, with a raise? You could tell them to kiss your asset management and find another sucker! We often think in terms of how WE NEED THEM to get by! (by which to get?) But THEY NEED US MORE! Yeah, I hear ya', "Are ya' nuts???". Yup, I'm nuts! I went nuts after the immigration compromise bill, went nuts after the bailout! I'm gettin' nuttier everyday when I see fine, hard-working and loving families being DEE-LIB-ERATE-LY ripped from their homes and relatives by GOV'T!

Think how the day will look when finally, after much ado, the
joe-plumbers and soccer-moms JUST DON'T GO TO WORK AT ALL!
It killed the bus system in Montgomery, Ala., 1956 after Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus. Here's what one lone man achieved...

Lech Walensa: On August 14, 1980, after the beginning of an occupational strike in the Lenin Shipyard of Gdańsk, Wałęsa became the leader of this strike. The strike was spontaneously followed by similar strikes, first in Gdańsk, and then across Poland.

It can be done here! Stop begging with your faxes and letters to congress. THEY DO WHAT THEY WANT ANYWAY because they have absolutely no respect for the letters, for you and me and least of all things, not even the Constitution!!!

Can't you read the tea leaves? How about bigger letters? They need a demonstration of POWER & DETERMINATION!
Just like the demonstration in the movie, ours would be:

The Day AMERICANs Stood Still!

They tampered and hacked to rig the last few elections, so maybe, probably, even surely, YOUR vote didn't count or didn't GET counted! Comrade Stalin says, "It's not the votes that count; it's who counts the votes"! But if enough angry, righteous AMERICANs didn't come to work for a couple of days (or even a week!) .....right where it hurts;


Our Presence,

Our Participation,

Our Acquiescence!

Take it from them; they will die!





At January 8, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Blogger woofmetoo said...

Some people need a cattle prod enema before they will give!t
(can I say that here?)
Get it? Those criminals will 'talk down to us'- at a point when it wont make a lint hair's worth of difference to what they have done!

Face it they think they are royalty and they act like it...they need more than just indignant rants thrown at them.
This is a funny picture I found
( image edited by DHS under section P.A.II $ EO 13295)

At January 29, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is how the French do it!

At February 1, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Blogger Anna Yeisley said...

To pay into a federal taxation system that does not pay for roads, schools, national health care, or any other social or public service but instead goes into the pockets of a privately owned banking cartel called the Federal Reserve is so crazy!

Our federal income taxes goes to fund illegal wars, supports corporate pollution and greed, and goes to pay for bailouts to the richest of all Americans.

Any aware American citizen would be crazy not be mad as hell. Thank you Tony for your determination to create change and spread awareness. Just not enough enraged citizens like you. I'm one.

Anna Yeisley

At February 1, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Blogger woofmetoo said...

viva la r3VOLution

At February 3, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Furthermore, a lot of people I know are saying they feel the same way. The momentum is building for a TOTAL revamp!
The problem is that most of these people don't know how much company they have. It's time for some major communicating and organizing; somebody's got to start being the contact organizer. I nominate Robert Schulz of
How does "Continental Congress 2009" sound?

At February 10, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to STICK IT TO 'EM... and STICK IT TO 'EM HARD! We need to STICK IT TO 'EM every day. We need to STICK IT TO 'EM every night and we need to STICK IT TO 'EM where it hurts the most! And finally, We need to STICK IT TO 'EM 'til there ain't none of 'em left to STICK IT TO! Load fresh rounds in the cannons boys! And give them DC dogs fire!

At February 12, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Just sticking it to them ain't enough. They should not even be there anymore. Everyone in government today is violating the constitution by allowing Barack Hussein Obama to stay in as an illegal president. Even Ron Paul. This constitutes treason and they taught us in the military that treason is punishable by death. The letters and faxes are what we can do until we get enough people together to go up there and arrest every one in congress for treason and Barack Hussein Obama for subversion and spying. You can't get him for treason if he is not a US citizen. So Tony boy the fax was just to get their attention and maybe get them to stand up and do the right thing. Their both damndecrats so they are not going against their party unless it looks like a recall vote is imminent. They don't need to be recalled just arrested. Are you ready to do that before you get a bayonet to your butt? I haven't been able to find one honest attorney general yet to go up there and do it. Not even US Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald. Yes I have contacted his office to see if he would take this on since that’s where Barack Hussein Obama’s is from. He is not willing to do so. So other than snide emails and blogs what are you willing to do Tony boy. I appreciate that you are fed up with this just like I am but any effort should be encouraged but lets face it, nothing right is going to happen with the people that we have in there right now. They aren’t affected by your work stoppage. They pay themselves and we don’t stop them. Too many people are too scared of the IRS to not pay their taxes. Besides they are out to bankrupt the world so they can put us on a one-world monetary system so that would just play right into their hands. We need the people that form the CC2009 to take the place of the people up there right now when they are ready. We also need to make the Constitution stronger to keep this from happening again. Make the penalty for treason more enforceable. Make the penalty for illegal aliens more strict against them and the employers that hire them. We need to have the CC2009 go through the current laws and executive orders and make sure that they all conform to the US Constitution. If they do not, strip out the ones that don’t. Take the money from all these rich people that caused this mess and use it to pay off the dept and put them in prison for subversion or deport them. George Soros and people like him that want to turn this country socialist should not get off scot-free. Dean

At February 13, 2009 at 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that idea by the previous poster..stick it to them, has such a nice get even feel to it...LOL

At February 13, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are reading this and you are a congress critter, know that We The People are tired. Tired and angry at you. If you have an excuse it ain't workin' cause your rat colleagues have done enough and you just let them. You didn't warn or attempt to protect us, so your ass is fried. Try to remember what you were thinking when you took your oath of office. You shameful cur dog! We will all be seeing you and you won't be liking it.

At February 19, 2009 at 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Countless public attorneys have been fired, threatened, and we won't know the ones who have been 'neutralized' - a favorite term and order of George Bush, Sr. of conquering his competition.

Ross Perot was 'neutralized' when he ran against George Bush. Why did Perot pull out of the race? He said he feared for the safety of his family. Neutralization by threat or real physical violence (including death) is why the public doesn't know what kind of psychopaths are controlling our nation.

If 'they' kill, imprison, threaten, fire or buy everyone or anyone who is in a position to expose the fact that our government has been overtaken by fascists militants, it is likely that most of us would remain in the dark until FEMA shows up at your door and orders you to leave your home.

Chip Tatum exposes George Bush, Sr

Murders and Suspicious Deaths during Clinton admininistration

At March 20, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another question that I have is what happened to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the Stop Hillary express and Stop Obama express and Chaos and organizing the nation against them. I guess when Rush went to the White House and had breakfast with Baby Bush the fear of the NWO was put into him and he passed it own to Sean because if they would advertize we could rap this up in short order. Dean

At March 27, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have been to the district of clowns more times than I care to count marching, learning, informing, hooting, hollering, etc. all seemingly to no avail. The best attending event I went to was the anti-war rally a year or so ago...alas, we are just as deep in war as we ever were...still killing innocent people to protect corporate interest, CIA drug running and adding more fuel to the fire of those who hate us because we are free...huh, ya coulda fooled me.

A million is probably not enough to make a difference, but I would be willing to be one of them.


At May 1, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are right on target, Tony. I believe people have been conditioned through propaganda, spread by both public education and mainstream news. They believe letter writing and voting are a means of control. The fact is you cannot control another living being. That is why Liberty is in inalienable right, it cannot be seperated from you, it is your freewill.
Politicians say what is needful to get elected, once in office they do as they please. As good and obedient servants of the state, ordinary Americans do not have the money or power to influence their decisions, those who have the clout to keep them in office use their resources to bribe these same politicians to do their bidding.
What we must realize and teach others, is that government most assuredly does receive its power from the consent of the governed. Our power is not in voting, and it is not in letter writing, these are merely expressions of our opinion. They have their place, but they are not the source of power. We the people are the power, and our power is in our support, which is our submission to laws which violate the rule of LAW. We do not need to resort to violence or agression, we simply refuse to serve. It is in our work anmd paying of taxes that we support government. If we stop these for just a short period of time, both elected officials and those who prosper by bribing the same to make laws which benefit them, their group, at the expense of others, would experience a very rude awakening as to where their source of power truly lies. We the people are the source of the scarce resource productive labor, we the people are all that supplies government with the ability to fund itself, without us it crumbles, its lifeblood is cutoff and it dies.

At July 18, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I like the updated version.will send it out to my sheeple friends and family....sigh

Lord God, let this cup pass us by..........

At July 21, 2009 at 2:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't pass any judgment on you, your strike idea or anything else, but isn't it sort of reasonable to admit that this post is about 7 months old and there's been less than 20 replies?
It wouldn't appear you're getting the message out too far and wide.

You have my attention. I was definitely born in the USA. But I just don't see it having gone anywhere quickly.
Perhaps you have a backup plan or some as yet unseen phase of this idea?
Have you set an actual date for the strike?

Or am I just misinterpreting all of this and you're sort of thinking out loud with a "wouldn't it be nice if.." type question?
Could I be missing some other organized movement already in progress somewhere else, but maybe you came up with the idea first months ago?

7 months and not all that much I can see.
What am I missing?
Over here, it kind of looks like you're ok with getting peed on by Washington.

Oh, one more thing... do you normally accomplish projects successfully?

At July 21, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One way to stick it to them: completely quit consuming hollywood. Don't watch TV, don't go to movies, don't buy their crap, just stop it. If you want to begin to make a difference, stop the sewer that flows into your home, the hollywood propaganda machine.

The benefit of blocking hollywoods influence in your home is that you will learn to think independently. As long as people consume hollywood they will be unable to think independently and with discernment.

At July 22, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is my contribution, this is my weapon!"

Tony, if that's your weapon, I'd suggest you're unarmed.
The proof is that you've not been on target, not hit anything, not done any damage and your prey is still walking around and has no clue you're even alive.
So either your weapon is harmless or you're blind.
Either way, your prey is very much alive.

At July 22, 2009 at 6:14 AM, Blogger TonyPony said...

For post above At July 22, 2009 12:21 AM

You are a fool and let me tell you why... You scoff
as though you had rendered some great maxim but you are as one who laughs at the guillotione as your dirty neck is hustled onto the chopping block!

The American people will realize the offense you and the system have committed against them and they will unite. The stalking dogs will be decapitated and legs cut from under them, it will be a horrendous surprise! You will see it, you will feel the pain!

...and remember Sic Semper Tyrannis!

Tony Arjona

At July 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Blogger TonyPony said...

TO: Anonymous/What am I missing? At July 21, 2009 2:56 AM

You are missing the "why" and the passion for FREEDOM it provokes.

I am tired of letters and faxes being ignored by a rogue and belligerent government. They are an out-of-control band of thugs and thieves who abuse and impoverish us. We the People can and must FIGHT!

This is my contribution, this is my weapon!

The method has been employed before and it has very great potential to succeed. So, you are missing mindset to see the power that We The People wield and the ultimate success it will bring! Success!

Tony Arjona


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