Friday, August 28, 2009

To Glenn Beck

You have been very helpful in the dissemination of vital national information. I think you have earned the favor of many Americans who are now understanding the deceptions and aspirations of the dark, evil forces undermining our nation. It is my hope that you will continue with the information process and reach many.

I have heard your daily cautions and warnings, I hear how very much you fear the drastic and outrageous actions of our cowardly congress and the Commie Obama.

For these things I grant you good will.

I think it is a good time, now that you have assessed our situation as critical and getting worse, that we look back to your strong and relentless attacks on Ron Paul. One might conclude that you, above anyone else, were the all-time “destroy Ron Paul” organ in the media. Some of the things you said were that he was “the mayor of crazy-town” and that his foreign policy was “just nuts”; you seriously defamed him for his statement and belief that our income tax system should be abolished.

I noticed that during that time, you never presented any case for your vitriolic dismissal of Ron Paul and you simply tarred him as someone to be ignored and not allowed to run in the primary race at all. Your timing was eclectically, exquisite. It was the height of his rise to national media awareness despite the press embargo on all things Ron Paul. He was getting traction.

Many Americans, after the fact, recognized Ron Paul as the only candidate that made clear and practical good sense. Not everyone had known of Ron Paul but his name and policies were being discussed by new people all the time. They then told their friends.

From your show, your unkind and damning remarks ruined the possibility for many millions of others to consider and support Ron Paul. Sadly, he dropped out in disgust.

It is not puzzling however, that in September after our great national economic disaster, you and others were fast to rush to Ron Paul to explain the events and the monetary policy failures.

While under a virtual white flag and civil accord to Ron Paul, you did still take the opportunity to claim that the Ron Paul supporters were violent radicals and many had threatened you personally. But you never apologized to Dr Paul for your many insults, you never retracted charges that you broadbrushed the entire Paul constituency.

What is my point? You should think about it every time you open your mouth to complain how bad it is and how frightened you are because of Obama and his shadow gov’t takeover. Would you rather have had Ron Paul as your president today?

Your own actions made it possible to knock down the only true conservative with a chance to really turn the nation around! Now, like you, many fear the uncertain future of American.

No thanks to you.

Tony Arjona,
Henrico, VA

Patriot and Ron Paul Supporter

Sunday, July 26, 2009

National Strike - Nov 28th!

Because we have been betrayed and forsaken by our congress and the high courts, we have concluded that our efforts to plead a case for Justice, The Constitution and our American way, that now we are left on our own.

This is the familiar pattern of Tyranny throughout history. When a nation becomes so self-indulgent and complacent as to let their government metastasize into a belligerent and dangerous nemesis and The People find that they are powerless to right wrongs and steer a better course, then it is REBELLION!

We are not a violent people and do not condone such lawless acts. Many of us have witnessed the riots and protest rallies around the world for many years. Two effects surface immediately: 1st, the government run press focuses on the lawlessness and discourteous persona of the raging mobs and 2nd, many of those engaged in political free expression are beaten down, some killed and some just disappear!

I surmise that this group is a law-abiding and peaceable people and while confronting tyranny, would seek a 3rd way. It is through our labor and tax paying that the evil-system devours us. They need us to do their bidding! We build the cars and office towers, we even make the bread and harvest vegetables for their tables! We fork over to them a carefully counted 62% or more! of our earnings when you include food, gas, local state and federal tax and a myriad of taxes that many have long forgotten ARE taxes, taxes/licenses for pets, for fishing, hunting, driving, marrying, professional licenses,Death tax, business tax, On and On, On and On THEY ROB US!

So what’s all the fuss? We can’t stop them with tanks and aircraft-carriers, they have taken them from us! We can’t storm the capitol and drag them out ala Bastille Day.

What is left?

National Strike - Nov 28th...

Our Presence,

Our Participation,

Our Acquiescence!

Take it from them; they will die!

Read this blog, it will tell you why, it will tell you how!

The Day America Stood Still!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When Leaders Betray Us! was at this point that all the men took up arms and went to the leaders of their society. In desperation they pleaded for a peaceful solution and a return to the simple life that they had all expected for themselves and for their children but the leaders spat on them and threatened to arrest anyone who still possessed a weapon.

On a certain day, the leaders sent out the military to forcibly take away all weapons. No one would have weapons. At the first house, shock and surprise was enough to render the people helpless and their weapons were taken with very little calamity. But things were somewhat different at the next house. The people there had seen the attack and abuse at the first house, they would not be shocked and would not be surprised.

They called their friends and neighbors; each of them called others. Soon there were 300,000 of them gathered at a small bridge near the communty weapons storage. In the early morning as the sun rose and revealed the two opposing forces to each other, the leaders men were themselves shocked and their commanders were surprised. For days men fought and the contest was never sure but many died and agony was everywhere. Yet the people held their ground and fought fiercely and put doubt in the minds of the leaders.

Men who served the leaders were realizing their losses and some even refused to fight for the greedy and heartless leaders. Many of them put down their weapons and surrendered. In the last days, the leaders having suffered grievous losses grew even more outraged that the people would fight back and recklessly attacked without proper planning. This was the flaw in all their programs, reckless and without proper preparation.

In the final clash the people crushed these wicked leaders and one by one they put the leaders out for public display. All could now see their wicked faces and ordinary form. Not giants, not better, just men like any of the people. The people learned to be eternally vigilant and to never let their leaders rise above the law and accountability.

They determined that each man and woman must be armed and prepared to protect society and that peace was ensured by armed citizens. They found the leaders were less likely to arouse the people when the people were armed and engaged in the activities of the leaders. For hundreds of years the people lived peacefully and prospered with their families, friends and neighbors... until 2009.

Monday, February 09, 2009

The Partisan

…and just this morning the feds came across our border.
I grabbed my rifle and took off for the hills. I cursed as
I ran, with tears in my eyes, for no-one would come
with me. I was all alone.

But now I see, it was all my fault. I laughed and laughed
when the old man named Paul raised his voice to speak.
But the others laughed too. And many screamed and cried
for FREEDOM but nobody heard that too. I never had the
guts to talk to strangers. Born in Virginia, we held our tongues.
I didn’t talk to neighbors and I wrote e-mail only to those
that would understand.

This afternoon there were five of us. We had met along
the way and had decided to travel east and hook up with
friends. We travelled overland; the roads were too dangerous.

We had gotten as far as Cold Harbor. But there were federal
troops guarding the bridge and we headed back to a farm we
had passed. A fed truck passed on the highway as we topped
a hill, shots were fired by troops and one of ours was killed.

At the farm an old woman hid us in the barn. She never
spoke a word when the U.N. patrol shot her and so we
ran again; this time hiding in the woods.

Next day we got stopped trying to cross the road at
Miller’s Dry Goods. Shots rang out! Smoke, men yelling
and now there are just two of us. There are stains of
blood on my clothes and a bullet had cut a clean hole
in my coat but not my flesh.

There was very little ammunition, we had no food but
thankfully no health problems, yet.

We had to get to Colonel Grayson’s militia; our only hope.
We found some food and had a small meal at an old abandoned
cabin but in the morning as we departed, the crack of a
sniper’s rifle cut my companion down. I fought for a short
while but the cabin was surrounded.

They dragged me out, angry because I had taken out a few
of them before the door gave way and six feds and two Brits
grabbed and tied my bleeding hands. They read the orders
and took me to the wall but just before they shot me, I heard
myself scream…

(Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera)

Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Day AMERICA Stood Still!

We need a national strike to remind government who it is that really runs this country! Not the rigged voting apparatus, not the fancy schmancy double-talk and certainly not the POLICE STATE tactics that they have arrayed against AMERICAN citizens!

We The People

run this country but we have neglected our duty to be vigilant and we have let the varmints run amuck to our peril! What shall we do?

* * * * *
Do you still believe we can Un-Screw the Pooch with letters and faxes... I don't think you get it yet. When they prod your butt with a bayonet as you are loaded on trucks to FEMA camp, write some more letters!!! I think NOT! When 150 thousand or half-a-million angry, pissed off folks finally have had enough of being ripped off and peed upon by Washington, they might re-think the situation and maybe even follow the Constitution! But the trick is to get their attention with a march or rally or something or a national strike of momentuous proportion, we could call it....

The Day AMERICANs Stood Still!

Only airplanes in flight, hospitals, food and emergency services, anything along logical lines would be off-limits. Make BIG BUSINESS sweat, see the little masters run around the Capitol building screaming, "they're NOT here! they're NOT here!". Don't even buy a latte or cashmere sweater! Watch ABC, and the other fakirs as they spit their vile lies to play down the strike! As a matter of fact, why not go for TWO DAYS! Let's see who goes out of business first and make betting pools! You may think it's funny but short of unleashing violence and civil disorder, we can maintain the LAW of the land and win. Wouldn't it be nice to see Senator Big Such'n'such on TV begging? Would a phone call from your employer, pleading for your return, with a raise? You could tell them to kiss your asset management and find another sucker! We often think in terms of how WE NEED THEM to get by! (by which to get?) But THEY NEED US MORE! Yeah, I hear ya', "Are ya' nuts???". Yup, I'm nuts! I went nuts after the immigration compromise bill, went nuts after the bailout! I'm gettin' nuttier everyday when I see fine, hard-working and loving families being DEE-LIB-ERATE-LY ripped from their homes and relatives by GOV'T!

Think how the day will look when finally, after much ado, the
joe-plumbers and soccer-moms JUST DON'T GO TO WORK AT ALL!
It killed the bus system in Montgomery, Ala., 1956 after Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus. Here's what one lone man achieved...

Lech Walensa: On August 14, 1980, after the beginning of an occupational strike in the Lenin Shipyard of Gdańsk, Wałęsa became the leader of this strike. The strike was spontaneously followed by similar strikes, first in Gdańsk, and then across Poland.

It can be done here! Stop begging with your faxes and letters to congress. THEY DO WHAT THEY WANT ANYWAY because they have absolutely no respect for the letters, for you and me and least of all things, not even the Constitution!!!

Can't you read the tea leaves? How about bigger letters? They need a demonstration of POWER & DETERMINATION!
Just like the demonstration in the movie, ours would be:

The Day AMERICANs Stood Still!

They tampered and hacked to rig the last few elections, so maybe, probably, even surely, YOUR vote didn't count or didn't GET counted! Comrade Stalin says, "It's not the votes that count; it's who counts the votes"! But if enough angry, righteous AMERICANs didn't come to work for a couple of days (or even a week!) .....right where it hurts;


Our Presence,

Our Participation,

Our Acquiescence!

Take it from them; they will die!




Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Are YOU Still Stupid?

Helluva title, heh?

I often get people angry at me for the awful things that I say.
Today I will attempt to get you angry too... but at yourself!
Even if you have lived a torpid, sheltered lifestyle I know that
say that the US Gov’t tax system:

· Is not fair to anybody
· Is complicated to the extreme
· Takes too much of our money
· Wastes time and money just to file the papers each year
· Wastes the money we give them
· Uses the money in ways we abhor
· Is totally illegal
· Is not in The Constitution (not even the 16th amendment)
· The IRS is feared in America more than the KGB in Russia
· Never existed before 1913 and the creation of The FED
· Americas bills were being paid before the IRS existed
· IRS rules and penalties are irrational and sadistic
· The IRS is just a unit of The FED which is the true villain
· (more could be listed but I hope this gets the gist across)

Now that the topic is introduced, can we agree that we have
heard this all before, if not one but two or more from my list?

Yes, of course! And guess who has tolerated this indignity and
supported and funded it for nearly 100 years? Who has voted
for the perpetrators every election day? Who has silently passed
the neighbors house as federal goons have humiliated and abused
our friends, relatives and fellow Americans? Have lives been
destroyed, families torn apart; have some died by this dread?

Oh? Are you mad now? (angry, I know) You don’t like this line
of questions! Well, it was me too. I didn’t know what it was
and I didn’t know what to do either! I didn’t want to rock the
boat, go to jail, lose my job or most fearfully, my life! At least
not interrupt my lifestyle or lose the stuff I had. Many of you
also have a list of dear priorities, spouse, kids, career, etc.

But I’m not stupid anymore!
...and not you either!!!
Until now, the best policy was to KEEP QUIET, BE GOOD
and always file on time! But we are being robbed and abused
by the very people who take our money from us!

IT’s TIME TO GET MAD. Not dumb mad; smart mad, and get


Even when we do get mad(angry), our first response is…
“So what can we do about it?”. Some of you really mean it.
Some are just slackers and won’t do anything. If YOU, right
now, right this minute, today, could do anything that would
bring down this hideous, evil, dysfunction of the American
dream, would YOU do it? Take it seriously, take time; think.

Here are some things that CAN be done:
· Support HR7309,"tax holiday" for starters
· Join or form a meetup group
· Scan the internet or Google to find activists
· Don’t write but VISIT the congress-critters, and bring a couple of thousand friends and neighbors (spontaneously/unannounced)
· Organize a national day off for No Taxation without… anything!
· Go to the websites below, participate
· Improve and proliferate this plea EVERYWHERE!

Here are some links and words to ponder:
Wake up! We are in a fight for Liberty. Not with guns or violence but
through unanimity and fearless determination!
We must SHUT DOWN The FED and The IRS
_____________ * F O R E V E R * _________
All guilty parties must be apprehended and put on trial with our juries.
We can longer tolerate this...

We’re M A D as H E L L and we're
NOT gonna' take it A N Y M O R E !!!

Organize our friends, neighbors or anybody that just happens by.
If enough Americans get fighting M A D maybe we can turn the entire
country back to FREEDOM!

Support HR1207,"Audit the FED" for starters!
_______ because they stole the Money!!

Support HR7309,"tax holiday" for a change!
_______ and Vote the BUMS out!

This fraud was done by DECEPTION!
We will be deceived no more!

Please pass this plea virally

to everybody, everywhere, please!

Make posters/flyers and spread them

everywhere, today! Everywhere!

Don't Stop 'til


and The IRS is R-I-P


AMERICA, Freedom to Fascism (Full length film)

Campaign For Liberty

Freedom isn’t free. Not in Arizona, not anywhere!

We Have Tried Negotiation, Now We Act!

Meet The System – The FED

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America

U.S. Economy : The Philosopher's Stone

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Zeitgeist, The Movie (opens with blank screen and voice-over)

Monday, June 14, 2004

Left Lane Slow Ride Road Hogs Must Die!!!

Pretty much sums up my most intense distaste for a mindless and sometimes not so mindless act of inconsiderateness. How thoughtful it would be to simply drive in the lanes to the right when traffic allows and let faster cars just pass. To avoid huge backups and "Avenging Angel" encounters, riding in the right lanes would be so easy; it certainly would be nice.
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