Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Day AMERICA Stood Still!

We need a national strike to remind government who it is that really runs this country! Not the rigged voting apparatus, not the fancy schmancy double-talk and certainly not the POLICE STATE tactics that they have arrayed against AMERICAN citizens!

We The People

run this country but we have neglected our duty to be vigilant and we have let the varmints run amuck to our peril! What shall we do?

* * * * *
Do you still believe we can Un-Screw the Pooch with letters and faxes... I don't think you get it yet. When they prod your butt with a bayonet as you are loaded on trucks to FEMA camp, write some more letters!!! I think NOT! When 150 thousand or half-a-million angry, pissed off folks finally have had enough of being ripped off and peed upon by Washington, they might re-think the situation and maybe even follow the Constitution! But the trick is to get their attention with a march or rally or something or a national strike of momentuous proportion, we could call it....

The Day AMERICANs Stood Still!

Only airplanes in flight, hospitals, food and emergency services, anything along logical lines would be off-limits. Make BIG BUSINESS sweat, see the little masters run around the Capitol building screaming, "they're NOT here! they're NOT here!". Don't even buy a latte or cashmere sweater! Watch ABC, and the other fakirs as they spit their vile lies to play down the strike! As a matter of fact, why not go for TWO DAYS! Let's see who goes out of business first and make betting pools! You may think it's funny but short of unleashing violence and civil disorder, we can maintain the LAW of the land and win. Wouldn't it be nice to see Senator Big Such'n'such on TV begging? Would a phone call from your employer, pleading for your return, with a raise? You could tell them to kiss your asset management and find another sucker! We often think in terms of how WE NEED THEM to get by! (by which to get?) But THEY NEED US MORE! Yeah, I hear ya', "Are ya' nuts???". Yup, I'm nuts! I went nuts after the immigration compromise bill, went nuts after the bailout! I'm gettin' nuttier everyday when I see fine, hard-working and loving families being DEE-LIB-ERATE-LY ripped from their homes and relatives by GOV'T!

Think how the day will look when finally, after much ado, the
joe-plumbers and soccer-moms JUST DON'T GO TO WORK AT ALL!
It killed the bus system in Montgomery, Ala., 1956 after Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus. Here's what one lone man achieved...

Lech Walensa: On August 14, 1980, after the beginning of an occupational strike in the Lenin Shipyard of Gdańsk, Wałęsa became the leader of this strike. The strike was spontaneously followed by similar strikes, first in Gdańsk, and then across Poland.

It can be done here! Stop begging with your faxes and letters to congress. THEY DO WHAT THEY WANT ANYWAY because they have absolutely no respect for the letters, for you and me and least of all things, not even the Constitution!!!

Can't you read the tea leaves? How about bigger letters? They need a demonstration of POWER & DETERMINATION!
Just like the demonstration in the movie, ours would be:

The Day AMERICANs Stood Still!

They tampered and hacked to rig the last few elections, so maybe, probably, even surely, YOUR vote didn't count or didn't GET counted! Comrade Stalin says, "It's not the votes that count; it's who counts the votes"! But if enough angry, righteous AMERICANs didn't come to work for a couple of days (or even a week!) .....right where it hurts;


Our Presence,

Our Participation,

Our Acquiescence!

Take it from them; they will die!

