Sunday, July 26, 2009

National Strike - Nov 28th!

Because we have been betrayed and forsaken by our congress and the high courts, we have concluded that our efforts to plead a case for Justice, The Constitution and our American way, that now we are left on our own.

This is the familiar pattern of Tyranny throughout history. When a nation becomes so self-indulgent and complacent as to let their government metastasize into a belligerent and dangerous nemesis and The People find that they are powerless to right wrongs and steer a better course, then it is REBELLION!

We are not a violent people and do not condone such lawless acts. Many of us have witnessed the riots and protest rallies around the world for many years. Two effects surface immediately: 1st, the government run press focuses on the lawlessness and discourteous persona of the raging mobs and 2nd, many of those engaged in political free expression are beaten down, some killed and some just disappear!

I surmise that this group is a law-abiding and peaceable people and while confronting tyranny, would seek a 3rd way. It is through our labor and tax paying that the evil-system devours us. They need us to do their bidding! We build the cars and office towers, we even make the bread and harvest vegetables for their tables! We fork over to them a carefully counted 62% or more! of our earnings when you include food, gas, local state and federal tax and a myriad of taxes that many have long forgotten ARE taxes, taxes/licenses for pets, for fishing, hunting, driving, marrying, professional licenses,Death tax, business tax, On and On, On and On THEY ROB US!

So what’s all the fuss? We can’t stop them with tanks and aircraft-carriers, they have taken them from us! We can’t storm the capitol and drag them out ala Bastille Day.

What is left?

National Strike - Nov 28th...

Our Presence,

Our Participation,

Our Acquiescence!

Take it from them; they will die!

Read this blog, it will tell you why, it will tell you how!

The Day America Stood Still!!!


At August 17, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Anonymous Ray Iorio said...

Isn't amazing how the people of the USA voted in someone so far to the left that a new category is needed to describ him and his 'crew'. Yes crew, just like gang members. obama is a racist, leftist, socialist,marxist, facist, irresponsible person that is anti-white in all respects and anti-American. I worry about what this muslim inspired dude will do to our Country in the end. Whatever it is - it is not going to be good. Even my black friends that are educated (some didnt vote for him) are disgusted with him and his czars and his administration.

It really is time for black pride and white pride to be merged into American pride and band forces against this sorry president. If he were corporate he would have been fired months ago!

Remember, communism and socialism does not work, Russia found out the hard way, China is still discovering that - remember Tinneman (sp?) square not too many years ago. People wake up after awhile and risk life and limb for freedom. The founders who revolted against England did just that, we may consider the same if this gets too much out of hand.

Semper fi................


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