Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Are YOU Still Stupid?

Helluva title, heh?

I often get people angry at me for the awful things that I say.
Today I will attempt to get you angry too... but at yourself!
Even if you have lived a torpid, sheltered lifestyle I know that
say that the US Gov’t tax system:

· Is not fair to anybody
· Is complicated to the extreme
· Takes too much of our money
· Wastes time and money just to file the papers each year
· Wastes the money we give them
· Uses the money in ways we abhor
· Is totally illegal
· Is not in The Constitution (not even the 16th amendment)
· The IRS is feared in America more than the KGB in Russia
· Never existed before 1913 and the creation of The FED
· Americas bills were being paid before the IRS existed
· IRS rules and penalties are irrational and sadistic
· The IRS is just a unit of The FED which is the true villain
· (more could be listed but I hope this gets the gist across)

Now that the topic is introduced, can we agree that we have
heard this all before, if not one but two or more from my list?

Yes, of course! And guess who has tolerated this indignity and
supported and funded it for nearly 100 years? Who has voted
for the perpetrators every election day? Who has silently passed
the neighbors house as federal goons have humiliated and abused
our friends, relatives and fellow Americans? Have lives been
destroyed, families torn apart; have some died by this dread?

Oh? Are you mad now? (angry, I know) You don’t like this line
of questions! Well, it was me too. I didn’t know what it was
and I didn’t know what to do either! I didn’t want to rock the
boat, go to jail, lose my job or most fearfully, my life! At least
not interrupt my lifestyle or lose the stuff I had. Many of you
also have a list of dear priorities, spouse, kids, career, etc.

But I’m not stupid anymore!
...and not you either!!!
Until now, the best policy was to KEEP QUIET, BE GOOD
and always file on time! But we are being robbed and abused
by the very people who take our money from us!

IT’s TIME TO GET MAD. Not dumb mad; smart mad, and get


Even when we do get mad(angry), our first response is…
“So what can we do about it?”. Some of you really mean it.
Some are just slackers and won’t do anything. If YOU, right
now, right this minute, today, could do anything that would
bring down this hideous, evil, dysfunction of the American
dream, would YOU do it? Take it seriously, take time; think.

Here are some things that CAN be done:
· Support HR7309,"tax holiday" for starters
· Join or form a meetup group
· Scan the internet or Google to find activists
· Don’t write but VISIT the congress-critters, and bring a couple of thousand friends and neighbors (spontaneously/unannounced)
· Organize a national day off for No Taxation without… anything!
· Go to the websites below, participate
· Improve and proliferate this plea EVERYWHERE!

Here are some links and words to ponder:
Wake up! We are in a fight for Liberty. Not with guns or violence but
through unanimity and fearless determination!
We must SHUT DOWN The FED and The IRS
_____________ * F O R E V E R * _________
All guilty parties must be apprehended and put on trial with our juries.
We can longer tolerate this...

We’re M A D as H E L L and we're
NOT gonna' take it A N Y M O R E !!!

Organize our friends, neighbors or anybody that just happens by.
If enough Americans get fighting M A D maybe we can turn the entire
country back to FREEDOM!

Support HR1207,"Audit the FED" for starters!
_______ because they stole the Money!!

Support HR7309,"tax holiday" for a change!
_______ and Vote the BUMS out!

This fraud was done by DECEPTION!
We will be deceived no more!

Please pass this plea virally

to everybody, everywhere, please!

Make posters/flyers and spread them

everywhere, today! Everywhere!

Don't Stop 'til


and The IRS is R-I-P


AMERICA, Freedom to Fascism (Full length film)

Campaign For Liberty

Freedom isn’t free. Not in Arizona, not anywhere!

We Have Tried Negotiation, Now We Act!

Meet The System – The FED

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America

U.S. Economy : The Philosopher's Stone

ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Zeitgeist, The Movie (opens with blank screen and voice-over)